Conference Room Transfer Multisort Elektronik

Implementation in one of the most modern TME Distributor offices

A bathroom in a private house in Łódź

Realizacja w Warmińsko-Mazurskim Centrum Chorób Płuc w Olsztynie

Implementation at the Warmia and Mazury Center for Lung Diseases in Olsztyn

Bathroom in an apartment in Warsaw

The use of liquid crystal film in the bathroom.

ShowRoom SmartFoil Warszawa

Realizacja dla firmy Argo w Lublinie

Implementation for the Argo company in Lublin

Implementation with the use of SmartFoil foil in a bathroom in Gdańsk

Realizacja w kancelarii prawnej Wardyński i Wspólnicy

Implementation at the law firm Wardyński & Partners

Realizacja w firmie Interno w Warszawie

Implementation at Interno in Warsaw

Implementation in a private house in Warsaw(Wesoła)

Smartfoil application in the apartment – Toruń

Implementation in a private house in Wrocław

Implementation in a private apartment – Puławy

A bathroom in a private house near Łódź

Realizacja w firmie Coffee Service w Warszawie.

Implementation at Coffee Service in Warsaw.

Folia SmartFoil w biurze firmy deweloperskiej Variabilis

SmartFoil in the office of real estate developer Variabilis.

Implementation in a private house in Poznań.

Office spaces using SmartFoil foil

SmartFoil foil in the conference room